LDAP (2016-12-06 17:59:36)
rmb @ 2013-12-29 12:55:36 from
You need to add indexes:olcDbIndex.ldif:
dn: olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config changetype: modify add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: cn pres,sub,eq - add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: sn pres,sub,eq - add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: uid pres,sub,eq - add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: displayName pres,sub,eq - add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: default sub - add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: uidNumber eq - add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: gidNumber eq - add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: mail,givenName eq,subinitial - add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: dc eq
This is to speed up the slapd performance.
rmb @ 2013-12-29 13:12:59 from
To generate a key, do:pushd /root/ certtool --generate-privkey --outfile vmzaphod01.key certtool --generate-self-signed --load-privkey vmzaphod01.key --outfile vmzaphod01.pem popd pushd /etc/ssl cp ~/vmzaphod01.key private/ cp ~/vmzaphod01.pem certs/ popd
Once you have generated the key, it is time to make slapd use it. This is a setting in cn=config:
dn: cn=config add: olcTLSCACertificateFile olcTLSCACertificateFile: /etc/ssl/certs/vmzaphod01.pem - add: olcTLSCertificateKeyFile olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: /etc/ssl/private/vmzaphod01.key - add: olcTLSCertificateFile olcTLSCertificateFile: /etc/ssl/certs/vmzaphod01.pem - add: olcTLSVerifyClient olcTLSVerifyClient: never
rmb @ 2013-12-29 13:15:02 from
This is not an LDIF file?To allow users to change their passwords, you need this LDIF:
access to * by * read
access to attrs=userPassword by self write by * auth
Maybe this works:
dn: olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config changetype: modify add: olcAccess olcAccess: {1}to attrs=loginShell,gecos by dn="cn=admin,dc=barnkob,dc=net" write by self write by * read
rmb @ 2013-12-31 14:27:37 from
It was a pretty bad idea - now I cannot add indexes to slapd :(rmb @ 2013-12-29 14:34:25 from
The problem with ldapscripts was the password set in /etc/ldap.secret was set with a newline - this is a major showstopper - use:echo -n "<secret>" >ldap.secretto set without newline!
I still have problems with the user passwords, do I cannot authenticate against LDAP thus far.
rmb @ 2013-12-30 13:35:55 from
You need to open two ports in the firewall:
$IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport kerberos -j ACCEPT $IPT -A INPUT -p udp --dport kerberos-iv -j ACCEPT
rmb @ 2013-12-31 11:45:30 from
Nice, little twist - addsession required pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=0022
to /etc/pam.d/common-session to make it automagically create homedirs on first login. Remember this is done as root, so if you run a NFS with root-squash, it will fail.
rmb @ 2014-01-03 19:08:56 from
Cannot change password?rmb @ 2014-02-14 18:13:56 from
This was what I used at Doms:access to attr=userPassword by self write by anonymous auth by dn.base="cn=admin,dc=doms-pss,dc=dk" write by * none access to * by self write by dn.base="cn=admin,dc=doms-pss,dc=dk" write by * read
Followed by:
ldapadd -W -D cn=admin,dc=doms-pss,dc=dk -f ldap-allow-user-update-passwd
Note that the Doms-solution uses LDAP passwords and not Kerberos.
rmb @ 2014-12-28 12:59:57 from
Update the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf to read:
[sssd] config_file_version = 2 services = nss,pam,sudo domains = barnkob.net
[domain/barnkob.net] enumerate = false cache_credentials = true
id_provider = ldap auth_provider = krb5 chpass_provider = krb5 krb5_server = krb5_realm = BARNKOB.NET
ldap_uri = ldap:// ldap_search_base = DC=barnkob,DC=net ldap_tls_reqcert = demand ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ssl/certs/vmzaphod01.pem
File must be mode 0600
chmod 600 sssd.conf
Remember to install
This is what makes the magic happen!
rmb @ 2016-12-06 17:59:36 from
Devuan FTW!!!- Standard Debian Jessie install
The only thing you need on tasksel-page is std. system and SSH server - the rest we will do afterwards - Switch away from Potteringware systemd:
# apt-get install sysvinit-core sysvinit sysvinit-utils
Then reboot your machine and remove all of the systemd packages# apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove systemd
Prevent apt from installing systemd packages in the future.# echo -e 'Package: systemd\nPin: origin ""\nPin-Priority: -1' > /etc/apt/preferences.d/systemd
- aptitude update && aptitude upgrade
- aptitude install vim
- aptitude install slapd
- dpkg-reconfigure slapd You may need to delete /var/backups/* and dpkg-reconfigure slapd, update /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
- aptitude install ldap-utils ldapscripts
- Fix /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.passwd using
root@debian:/etc/ldapscripts# echo -n "..." >ldapscripts.passwd
- Update ldapscripts.conf - fix SERVER, SUFFIX, BINDDN and BINDPWDFILE
- Run ldapinit
- Prepare and add olcDbIndex.ldif
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ./olcDbIndex.ldif - aptitude install gnutls-bin
- Run the key generation from below
- I spend a long time with wrong permissions on /etc/ssl/private - they must be such that the user openldap actually can read the private certificate!
- Do the add TLS:
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ./olcTLS.ldif ------ - Install and update sssd.conf as described below
- Update /etc/pam.d/common-session as described below
- Install the NSLCD (aptitude install nslcd)
- Install Kerberos5
rmb @ 2016-12-06 17:58:06 from
I finalized with 2 errors in ldapinitI had some problems getting this to work - especially nsswicth.conf was not updated correctly, but a manual editing session fixed that
Hvorfor jeg hader amerikanere (2016-11-30 21:27:16)
rmb @ 2013-09-11 14:23:58 from
De tror at deres verdensbillede skal påtrykkes hele verden - det nyeste er Danahers ønske om at ødelægge vores udviklingsafdeling med deres (u)sikkerhedspolitik - de har totalt misforstået det - når udviklernes arbejde hæmmes af politikket? password-politikker, der bare resultere i at folk skriver passwordet ned på papir og lægger ved arbejdsstationen... D'UH!!!
rmb @ 2013-09-16 16:44:21 from
Jeg burde være mere præcis - det er ikke Bill, der laver det reelle arbejde på fabrikken eller Roger, der udvikler SW til det nye produkt, der er derimod Tom, der ikke aner hvad erfaring på feltet er værd og Joshua, der vil sælge et produkt som kunderne kommer til at hade samt Walter, der ikke aner hvad der foregår af kampe i bunden men hæver sine 280 mio kr og et ukendt antal aktieoptioner...rmb @ 2013-10-26 09:48:46 from
Og hvad er det for noget med krampagtigt at holde fast i "the imperial system" med pund, gallons og fahrenheit? væk med det crap, latterlige amerikanere!rmb @ 2013-11-05 20:54:18 from
Deres idé om IT sikkerhed, som virker halvt gennemtænkt - perimeter defense but an obvious lack of internal protection - compartmentalize the network!rmb @ 2013-11-05 20:57:42 from
Death to NSA - destroying the internet! Hvad f...den er project bullrun for en holdning - og vores statsminister, der udtaler sig på en måde som viser hvor lidt hun forstår af situationens alvor.rmb @ 2013-11-10 19:19:09 from
Hvorfor bonus-ordninger skal droppes:hvis man får en bonus for "nu"-løsninger er der sjældent tænkt over hvordan det ser ud om 5 år - "jeg har jo fået min bonus, så jeg skrider nu!". Det er set igen og igen hvor en sælger har solgt et produkt, der koster grotesk meget support et par år nede af linjen, men han er jo ligeglad - han har fået sin bonus og er væk nu.
rmb @ 2013-11-17 13:30:28 from
Død over NSA og CEOsrmb @ 2013-11-20 20:25:05 from
Hvad foregår der i hovedet på de EU-politikere, der vil knække TOR? og vores blanke rets(tidligere IT)-ordfører, der foreslår at forbyde TOR?!? Kriminelle bruger også biler, skal vi forbyde dem? og cykler?(dette er i øvrigt posted med TOR, derfor den mærkelige IP)
rmb @ 2013-11-23 11:33:59 from
Nu har jeg startet TOR igen - gad vide hvorfra jeg kommer nu...rmb @ 2014-01-03 19:08:29 from
Så prøver vi igen.rmb @ 2016-11-30 21:27:16 from
Politikem: Kroniken 30. nov. 2016 KL. 20.14 De svagest stillede får de dårligste fødslerUSA giver os et skræmmende eksempel på, at jo skøvere indkomstfordelingen er, des mere vil der lægges kræfter i at fastholde et usolidarisk sundhedsvæsen. I USA er den økonomiske elite vant til at have en de facto-fortrinsret til politisk indflydelse, prestigiøse privatskoler og universiteter, privathospitaler og på fødeklinikker.
Den amerikanske læge Linda Emanuel, der var medlem af den amerikanske lægeforenings etiske udvalg, sagde engang ved et nordisk møde om sundhedsforvaltning: »Det ser på mange måder ud til, at I også er på vej til at indføre et markedsstyret sundhedsvæsen, som vi har i USA.«
Det gjorde indtryk, da hun helt stilfærdigt sluttede sit indlæg med ordene: »Lad være! Det er en fejl«.
(2016-08-09 12:01:58)
rmb @ 2016-08-09 12:01:58 from
The choice is a potentially risky one. Alenia Aerospace is part of the Finmeccanica Group alongside companies such as AnsaldoBreda and AugustaWestland. Finmeccanica has a reputation for high-profile failures. And if it screws up the Dutch F-35s, an entire European air arm could be in jeopardy.China on Mars (2016-06-26 13:06:02)
rmb @ 2016-06-26 13:06:02 from
A leaked memo indicates China will go to Mars within 10 yearsZPool (2016-02-07 10:17:55)
rmb @ 2016-02-07 10:17:55 from
Note the -d option - it wasw what I have been looking for!
zpool import [-d dir] [-D] [-f] [-o opts] [-R root] pool | id [newpool]
Imports a specific pool. A pool can be identified by its name or the numeric identifier. If newpool is specified, the pool is imported using the name newpool. Otherwise, it is imported with the same name as its exported name.
If a device is removed from a system without running "zpool export" first, the device appears as potentially active. It cannot be determined if this was a failed export, or whether the device is really in use from another host. To import a pool in this state, the -f option is required.
-d dir Searches for devices or files in dir. The -d option can be specified multiple times.
-D Imports destroyed pool. The -f option is also required.
-f Forces import, even if the pool appears to be poten- tially active.
-o opts Comma-separated list of mount options to use when mount- ing datasets within the pool. See zfs(8) for a descrip- tion of dataset properties and mount options.
-R root Imports pool(s) with an alternate root. See the "Alter- nate Root Pools" section.
Gettys principper (2014-07-25 10:18:08)
rmb @ 2014-07-25 10:18:08 from
http://www.version2.dk/blog/gettys-principper-67713- Do not add new functionality unless an implementor cannot complete a real application without it.
- It is as important to decide what a system is not as to decide what it is. Do not serve all the world's needs; rather, make the system extensible so that additional needs can be met in an upwardly compatible fashion.
- The only thing worse than generalizing from one example is generalizing from no examples at all.
- If a problem is not completely understood, it is probably best to provide no solution at all.
- If you can get 90 percent of the desired effect for 10 percent of the work, use the simpler solution.
- Isolate complexity as much as possible.
- Provide mechanism, rather than policy. In particular, place user interface policy in the client's hands.
Mine favoritideer (2014-04-14 10:16:05)
rmb @ 2014-04-14 10:16:05 from
LFTR lifter - Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor - melted salt nuclear reactorIC4 - lav dem om til batteri-toge - potentiel måde at undgå at elektrificere hele det danske tognet.
marvin-ng (2014-02-19 16:48:21)
rmb @ 2014-02-19 16:48:21 from
Bundle the two 2 2TB disks into one vdev:mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=linear --raid-devices=2 \ /dev/disk/by-id/ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBa8947a8b-b45f1901 \ /dev/disk/by-id/ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBc75137d2-53511964
Then using parted, create a partition table on the new /dev/md0 device
parted ... mklabel gpt
The /dev/md0 device can then be added as any other vdev to a zpool (even in RAIDz) using zpool create.
If you do not create a partition yourself, ZFS will create 2 parts for you - part1 and part9. It will complain if you try to add a disk without a partition table.
ZFS (2014-02-14 18:13:26)
rmb @ 2014-02-14 18:13:26 from
To achieve good performance with your pool there are some easy best practices you should follow. Additionally, it should be made clear that the ZFS on Linux implementation has not yet been optimized for performance. As the project matures we can expect performance to improve.- Evenly balance your disk across controllers: Often the limiting factor for performance is not the disk but the controller. By balancing your disks evenly across controllers you can often improve throughput.
- Create your pool using whole disks: When running zpool create use whole disk names. This will allow ZFS to automatically partition the disk to ensure correct alignment. It will also improve interoperability with other ZFS implementations which honor the wholedisk property.
- Have enough memory: A minimum of 2GB of memory is recommended for ZFS. Additional memory is strongly recommended when the compression and deduplication features are enabled.
- Improve performance by setting ashift=12: You may be able to improve performance for some workloads by setting ashift=12. This tuning can only be set when the pool is first created and it will result in a decrease of capacity. For additional detail on why you should set this option when using Advanced Format drives see section 1.15 How does ZFS on Linux handles Advanced Format disks?
Auto-detect pump (2014-01-05 10:32:05)
rmb @ 2013-12-25 12:17:15 from
How cool it would be if the PSS was capable of auto-detecting what protocols was on each port?Rule is if I already know what to expect on a port, try that first. Then proceed to try and auto-detect the protocol by trying to send various get-status mexsages. This would effectively get rid of the stupid P2P web page. Also, get rid of the utterly mal-placed IO message spacing - it has no purpose being where it is!
rmb @ 2013-12-28 12:14:08 from
Get rid of the netport web server and the iniche TCP/IP stack - it s... and has problems. rmb @ 2013-12-31 10:32:51 from
Start using a scripting language in the PSS - eg. Lua would give us
web-server, which again could allow us to get rid of the p... Netport server and its s... choices belonging in deeply embedded systems anno 1990.This also leads us to use the underlying Linux filesystem instead of the iNiche's internal filesystem. I already investigated if pipes could solve this easily, but it failed.
rmb @ 2013-12-31 14:24:05 from
IPv6 is unsupported - IP stack not build for itrmb @ 2014-01-01 20:24:50 from
Encrypt POS traffic with PKIrmb @ 2014-01-05 10:32:04 from
Always record peep for the last 15min and if peep, store it on some external media - people discover errors after the happen and are not nescesarily able to reproduce, Cubieboard-2 (2013-12-31 10:36:15)
rmb @ 2013-11-23 14:16:03 from
I have tried several times to set a fixed MAC on the Cubieboard-2. I even tried updating /boot/script.bin - that won't work!I really like the Cubieboard as I find it very unfortunate that the RaspberryPi has network as an USB client - this means that a bad USB device can cause all sorts of network issues (yes, I tried this IRL during RaspBMC install!)
To solve this, update /etc/network
iface eth0 inet dhcp hwaddress ether DE:82:0E:E3:95:6E
Then it works with a fixed MAC on the Cubieboard-2. Of course you should not use DE...6E MAC address - chose one at random - there is a nice generator here http://www.miniwebtool.com/mac-address-generator/
rmb @ 2013-12-31 10:36:15 from
bumpWorking? (2013-08-14 21:02:51)
rmb @ 2013-08-14 21:02:51 from
Now I have fixed this system to work as expected - does it?rmb @ 2013-08-14 21:03:26 from
With threaded posts? ordered by the topic?rmb @ 2013-08-18 12:26:54 from
Now there is support for BBcodes:bold
And at one point,
And code:
function foo(int bar) { return bar; }...code is over...
rmb @ 2013-11-17 14:37:07 from
newline support is still lagging.Turned out there still is a problem with topic titles
rmb @ 2013-11-17 16:15:01 from
Problem is, new posts inherit the topic of their parent, and if a 0 first enters the posts tree, it is propagated downwards and every single post belongs to topic 0.Found a patch on the net allowing:
- a
- b
- c
rmb @ 2013-11-22 18:52:17 from
Hvis patchet kan lave unordered lists kan der ikke være langt til- Første item
- Andet item
- Tredje item
rmb @ 2013-11-22 19:40:51 from
Det var ret nemt at introducere tagget [ order ] og [ 1 ] som hvert item. Burde jeg i stedet arbejde med tagget [ . ]?Vigtig detalje: * og 1 tagget må ikke afsluttes - det gør de selv.
rmb @ 2013-11-22 13:25:49 from
A new newline mapping - if
a blank line exists......a forced line break is inserted.
Otherwise, the line will just continue like this.
rmb @ 2013-11-23 09:10:30 from
And now change database-user to a least-priv.rmb @ 2013-08-17 14:08:57 from
Looking into BBcode support, like:bold
http://itil.barnkob.dk/ http://galskab.barnkob.dk/
rmb @ 2013-08-17 15:26:32 from
I like the http://jbbcode.com php module, so I decided to use that.rmb @ 2013-08-17 15:52:28 from
This also means removing the HTML support...rmb @ 2013-08-17 16:02:39 from
Bad, BAD BBCode